Statement from Reeves CMC Venture on ANC 1B Resolution

Tonight, we were honored to receive Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 1B’s support for the Reeves CMC Venture vision for a newly transformed Reeves Center at 14th and U Streets. The ANC has fostered robust and thoughtful engagement throughout the proposal process, starting with the vision they set out for the site more than a year ago. We are proud to have been a part of this process.

We greatly appreciate the ANC 1B's attention to specific details of our proposal and their continued focus on putting the community’s interest front and center. Our robust community engagement efforts will continue.

As Mayor Bowser outlined her vision for the Reeves Center, we have an opportunity to “reimagine this iconic site in a way that honors Black history and culture and gives more Washingtonians a fair shot.” We view our proposed development as a once-in-a generation project that will have a substantial and uniquely positive impact on the city (and, one day, the 51st State) we call home. Our work from the past few months is just the beginning of our commitment to the people, businesses, and organizations along the 14th and U Street corridors.

Should we have the honor to be selected as the development team for the new Reeves Center, we will work closely and ceaselessly with the surrounding community to carry through the commitments we have made during the proposal process. We will provide regular updates via written correspondence, website updates, and stakeholder meetings, and we would appreciate the opportunity to visit with the ANC on a regular basis. We eagerly look forward to continuing our work in collaboration with the ANC and the many civic groups we have connected with because it is the right thing to do, and it will create the best results and benefits for our communities.

Together, we believe the ANC 1B and the Reeves Center redevelopment teams have provided a powerful example for conducting thoughtful engagement around the District's new development projects. This is particularly relevant as the District's economic prospects grow and the city focuses on ensuring that everyone has a fair shot at earning a living wage and living in housing that is safe and affordable.

Thank you to ANC 1B for setting such a splendid example and shepherding this complex process; it should truly serve as a model for how this work is done across the District.


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Black Broadway - Briana Thomas and Reeves CMC