Community Benefits

Greater Affordability

  • 97 affordable rental units offered households at 50% or less of MFI

Focus on Youth and Education

  • The Ailey School

  • The VIVA School (Formerly City Dance Dream)

  • The Washington Jazz Arts Institute

  • Christian Tabernacle Child Development Center

Destination Design and Programming

  • 24,000 SF Douglass Plaza surrounded by restaurants and retail

  • 200-seat Marion Barry Jr. Amphitheater for performances by area artists and lecturers

  • Spaces activated with lively outdoor cafes, cultural and arts programming, creative water features, and other elements that will make it a popular gathering place, welcoming people of all cultures and economic means.

Increase in Local Tax Base

  • 10-year projected increase in tax base of $37.5 million

Job Training and Creation

  • 3,000 in construction and permanent jobs expected

Minority Business Formation

  • Project nurtures existing restaurants and retail establishments

  • Minimum of 20% of our 22,500 SF of retail space will be dedicated to local area small businesses

  • Below market rents to these community-focused tenants